Ask an Expert: Find and Keep Farm Employees, Part II of II

Ask an Expert: Find and Keep Farm Employees, Part II of II

Join us for the second moderated panel discussion featuring four cut flower farms throughout North America as they discuss the challenges of finding, training, and retaining farm employees. Inspired by the recent article, “How’s Your Labor...
Ask an Expert: Find and Keep Farm Employees, Part I of II

Ask an Expert: Find and Keep Farm Employees, Part I of II

Join us for a unique, two-part moderated panel discussion featuring four cut flower farms throughout North America as they discuss the challenges of finding, training, and retaining farm employees. Inspired by the recent article, “How’s Your Labor...
Ask an Expert: Floral Photography for Farmers

Ask an Expert: Floral Photography for Farmers

A photograph speaks volumes to the viewer. A good photograph can boost sales, strengthen customer relationships (as they feel more a part of your farm with good images that tell an effective story), and increase the perceived value of your flower farm. A poor or...
Ask an Expert: Cultivating Native Species in Cut Flower Farming

Ask an Expert: Cultivating Native Species in Cut Flower Farming

Climate change, species decline and ecological breakdown brings renewed attention to what farms grow and how they grow them. One big question growers face is how do my crop and production choices affect my environment? And are there changes I could make to minimize...
Ask an Expert: Growing Superb Celosia — Strategies and Tips

Ask an Expert: Growing Superb Celosia — Strategies and Tips

Join us for the June 2023 Ask an Expert session, taught by Laura Beth Resnick of Butterbee Farm. Laura Beth grows celosia a million different ways: Inside, outside, pinched, not pinched, many successions, and lots of varietals. During this talk, Laura Beth will focus...