Recommended Reading
ASCFG exclusive publications, such as the second edition of Specialty Cut Flowers by Allan Armitage and Judy Laushman and Postharvest Handling of Cut Flowers and Greens are must-haves for any cut flower grower. We recommend the following books, available at discounted prices to ASCFG members. Order online below, download and mail order, or call the ASCFG at (440) 774-2887.Shipping and handling is included in the price for US only.
International orders: Canada as indicated. All other international orders, please email to request an invoice to include shipping and handling.

Postharvest Handling of Cut Flowers and Greens
$90 Member $105 Non-member
Canada: $50 shipping. All other international orders, contact the ASCFG for shipping rate.
A Practical Guide for Commercial Growers, Wholesalers, and Retailers
Postharvest care must be accomplished at every stage of the marketing chain. This book will help you understand these stages and increase postharvest longevity of your flowers.
Postharvest performance of crops has emerged as one of the most important issues in floriculture. The poor performance of cut flowers and greens is increasingly viewed as depressing sales relative to that of other gift items. Every incident of poor performance reduces future sales by the purchaser and anyone else they tell about the product.
John Dole, North Carolina State University, Robert Stamps, University of Florida, Alicain Carlson, North Carolina State University, Iftikhar Ahmad, North Carolina State University and University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Lane Greer, Oklahoma State University, Judy Laushman, Editor. 360 pages

Specialty Cut Flowers, Second Edition
$60 Member $75 Non-member
Canada: $30 shipping.
All other international orders, contact the ASCFG for shipping rate.
by Allan Armitage & Judy Laushman, 636 pages, softbound. This greatly revised and expanded edition of Specialty Cut Flowers offers a unique perspective on cut flower production, bringing together in one place the information growers need to propagate and cultivate their eye-catching plants. Introductory chapters offer a discussion of domestic and foreign production, a brief overview of trends, and general comments and techniques for the postharvest care of flowers, including drying and preserving. The main body of the book gives extensive coverage of annual, perennial, bulbous, and woody species for commercial cut flower production, including propagation and growing-on methods, environmental factors, yield in the field, greenhouse forcing, stage of harvest, postharvest handling, and pests and diseases. For easier reference, plants now appear in single, straightforward A-to-Z order. Reflecting decades of research and writing by two distinguished horticulturists, Specialty Cut Flowers will be an indispensable reference for the nursery bookshelf

Woody Cut Stems, Production and Postharvest Handling of Branches for Flowers, Fruit, and Foliage
$80 Member $95 Non-member
Canada: $30 shipping. All other international orders, contact the ASCFG for shipping rate.
Woody Cut Stems
513 pages
This book is designed to educate new and existing cut flower growers on the aspects of growing, harvesting, and selling branches of trees and shrubs for their flowers, fruit, foliage, and stems. Growers, Farmer Florists, and home or commercial floral designers will learn when to cut and how to handle woody cuts from their landscapes.
Woody cut stems provide a variety of forms, colors, and textures to cut flower growers’ product lines, as familiar offerings such as lilac and forsythia, or less common species like beautyberry and Himalayan honeysuckle. Until now, however, commercial growers have lacked a printed resource that addresses how to choose, cultivate, and harvest these increasingly popular plants, as well as the critical postharvest handling and use guidelines.
Growers eager to add woody cut stems to their produce line will find this book all the information needed to expand their businesses in profitable new directions, while florists will discover a fresh new frontier of versatile plants that inspire adventurous designs.
John Dole, North Carolina State University
Lane Greer, Oklahoma State University

The Flower Farmer, An Organic Grower's Guide to Raising and Selling Cut Flowers
$40 Member $45 Non-member
Canada: $30 shipping. All other international orders, contact the ASCFG for shipping rate.
The Flower Farmer
266 pages
Excerpt from the Preface to the second edition:
One of the greatest pleasures of farming life is the fact that there is always something new to learn. Nature is never static, so those of us who interact with her in the flower garden have to constantly change and adapt. Nor have all of her secrets been revealed. The more we learn about the ecological web of the garden and farm, the more we recognize our own ignorance. Gardening, even for its most experienced practitioners, is a lifelong quest for knowledge.
Lynn Byczynski

Herbaceous Perennial Plants, Fourth Edition
$85 Member $100 Non-member
Canada: $60 shipping. All other international orders, contact the ASCFG for shipping rate.
by Allan Armitage

Preserving Flowers and Foliage with Glycols & Dyes
$130 Member $145 Non-member
Canada: $50 shipping. All other international orders, contact the ASCFG for shipping rate.
A technical manual for professionals using chemical solutions to process flowers and foliage by Mark Koch, 200+ pages, 3-ring binder format.
A comprehensive manual for systemic and immersion methods of preserving plants and foliages using glycols, dyes, bacteriostats and surfactants, this is intended for the experienced commercial producers of glycol-preserved plant materials.

The Insider's Guide to Cut Flower Dahlias
by By Lane Greer, 32 pages, softbound (Printed copy no longer available. Find digital book at Amazon)
Order form download
If you prefer to order via mail, download and send with payment to:
ASCFG, MPO Box 268, Oberlin, OH 44074
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