Grower Research
ASCFG Grower Grants
The Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers periodically awards funding to cut flower growers for on-farm research. Results of the research should benefit specialty cut flower growers in the field or greenhouse. The program is open only to current ASCFG members who have grown cut flowers commercially for at least three years.
Grants ranging from $500 to $2000 may be awarded to qualified projects. Matching funds are encouraged. Half the grant payment will be made at the start of the project, with the balance paid after the successful completion of the research, as well as submission of a complete, coherent report for publication in The Cut Flower Quarterly.
It is suggested that prospective applicants read the Application Guide within the ASCFG Members Only website. The Guide located in the Programs section, on the Grower Research page. Members will find a robust overview of the application process and supporting documentation.
Application Deadline
March 1, 2025