2024 Regional Conferences
All ASCFG Regional Conferences have occurred.
Thank you to all who contributed to or attended a conference this year!
Stay tuned for our 2025 schedule of events to include our Ask an Expert webinar series, ASCFG Conference & Trade Show, farm tours, and more! Subscribe to our ASCFG Events Calendar to get the latest updates.
The ASCFG hosted seven Regional Conferences throughout North America during 2024. These two day regional conferences were designed to celebrate and highlight local excellence and expertise, and to connect ASCFG members with other growers in their region. Presentation materials from these events are available through the ASCFG Members Only website.
Thank you to our wonderful sponsors of the ASCFG 2024 Regional Conferences.
We couldn’t have done this without you!
Northeast and Mid-Atlantic: Thank you for joining us!
Moonshot Farm
Farm Tour Hosts: Rebecca and Mark Kutzer-Rice
Holiday Inn East Windsor
East Windsor, New Jersey
Sponsored by:
Botanical Trading Co.
Ball ColorLink
Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Syngenta Flowers
The Gardener’s Workshop
CalFlowers – That Flower Feeling
Farmer Bailey
The ASCFG Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Regional Directors have combined forces to host a joint Regional Conference, which will take place in East Windsor, New Jersey. This event will include a tour at Moonshot Farm and Kube-Pak. The second day will feature presentations on cut flower topics and plenty of time to network with fellow cut flower farmers.
Registration is closed as the event has passed.
North and Central: Thank you for joining us!
Raker-Roberta’s Trial Gardens
Tour Host: Raker’s – Roberta’s Young Plants
Litchfield, Michigan
Sponsored by:
Raker’s Roberta’s Young Plants
InFlora Cut Flowers at Express Seed
Given the wide geographic stretch of the ASCFG North and Central Region, we are offering two Regional Conferences. We’re thrilled to share that one of these events will be hosted by the Raker-Roberta’s Trial Gardens in Michigan, and sponsored by InFlora Cut Flowers, Express Seed, and Raker-Roberta’s. This two day conference will offer a facility tour and conference style presentations along with time to network with fellow cut flower farmers.
Registration is closed as this event has passed.
Canada: Thank you for joining us!
August 13-14
Dahlia May Flower Farm
Farm Tour Host: Melanie Harrington
Trenton, Ontario
Sponsored by:
CalFlowers – That Flower Feeling
Unicorn Blooms
The ASCFG Canada Regional Conference will be held at the Dahlia May Flower Farm in Trenton, Ontario, Canada. This event will feature presentations on cut flower topics, dedicated time to network with fellow cut flower farmers in the region, and a tour of the host farm. Furthermore, attendees can refine their floral design skills by participating in a hands-on demonstration and workshop.
Registration is closed as this event has passed.
North and Central: Thank you for joining us!
This event has passed.
Clara Joyce Flowers
Farm Tour Host: Drew Groezinger
Stockton, Illinois
Sponsored by:
Ball ColorLink
LeoBerbee Bulb/Dutch Mill Greenhouse
The Gardener’s Workshop
CalFlowers – That Flower Feeling
Rooted Farmers
Given the wide geographic stretch of the ASCFG North and Central Region, we are offering two Regional Conferences. We’re thrilled to share that one of this event will be hosted by Drew Groezinger of Clara Joyce Flowers in Stockton, Illinois, and that all educational offerings are built around the theme of, “Scaling Up Your Cut Flower Operation.” Attendees will enjoy a farm tour, educational sessions, workshops, and dedicated time to network with other farmers.
South and Central
This event has passed. Thank you to everyone who made it a success!
The Fresh Herb Co.
Farm Tour Host: Chet Anderson
Longmont, Colorado
Sponsored by:
The Gardener’s Workshop
CalFlowers – That Flower Feeling
Johnny’s Selected Seeds
This event has passed.
West and Northwest
This event has passed. Thank you to everyone who made it a success!
Free Range Flowers
Farm Tour Host: Celeste Monke
Bellingham, Washington
Sponsored by:
The Gardener’s Workshop
CalFlowers – That Flower Feeling
Seattle Wholesale Grower Market
This event has passed.
This event has passed. Thank you to everyone who made it a success!
The Barn of Chapel Hill at Wild Flora Farm
Farm Tour Host: Kara Brewer
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Sponsored by:
Farmers Friend
The Gardener’s Workshop
Seven Springs Farm Supply
CalFlowers – That Flower Feeling
Johnny’s Selected Seeds
The ASCFG Southeast Regional Conference will be held at The Barn of Chapel Hill of Wild Flora Farm. This event will feature presentations on cut flower topics, time to network with fellow cut flower farmers in the region, and a tour of the host farm. A hands-on floral design workshop will occur as an optional add-on for the second day.