Branded Container Exemption
Walters Gardens Proven Winners Branded Container Purchase Exemption
Just as Spring Meadow Nursery is the home for Proven Winners® ColorChoice® Flowering Shrubs, Walters Gardens is the home for Proven Winners® Perennials. Virtually all plugs and roots sold as Proven Winners® Perennials originate at their facility, and the majority of them are the result of their world-class hybridizing program. Proven Winners® generally requires that their branded containers be purchased with their plant material so that all retail sales are identified as Proven Winners material. As a cut flower grower, you may be exempted from this container purchase.
The ASCFG has clarified the container exemption with Walters Gardens, via conversations with Josh Roggenbuck, Product Manager at Walters Gardens. Be sure to indicate to your sales representative that you are planting shrubs into the ground for cut flower production, and will not be reselling the potted plants. Walters Gardens has a one-time exemption form that you must sign to keep on file and certify that your purchases of perennials are planting/growing to sell harvested stems (not plants). Together we can reduce plastic waste and save money! Please note: pot labels/tags must still be included in the purchase of the shrubs, as they contain required patent and trademark information.
The ASCFG is grateful for Walters Gardens’ support of our cut flower industry, particularly Josh Roggenbuck, Regional Product Manager, Midwest; and for Walters’ continued development of excellent plant material.